5 Big Announcements (with 1 freebie). And how to win a $15 gift card.
Get extra value from Heigh Ho with new features. Plus, a behind-the-scenes look at what's next.
1. There Is No “I” in Teen
Heigh Ho has been on pause for two weeks as my paid work took priority. But it will be back next week with an article (as previously promised) — just in time for summer — about the wellbeing of teenage workers.
Factoids to whet your appetite:
👍 Potential benefits of teen work include developing self-esteem, social skills, and responsibility.
👎 Potential downsides include increased risk of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use; delinquency; insufficient sleep and exercise; and job-related injury (twice as likely for teens as it is for adults).
We’ll sort the good work from the bad, and untangle the complicated relationship between adolescent employment and school performance. Stay tuned!
2. Heigh Ho Books: Open for Business
Visit the Heigh Ho bookstore, powered by Bookshop.org, for a curated selection of books about work and employee wellbeing, including works cited in Heigh Ho or recommended by readers. After browsing the store, feel free to suggest a book in the Comment section of any Heigh Ho post (including this one). Let’s steer away from self-help, celebrity authors, and self-promotion. If in doubt, you have nothing to lose by making a suggestion.
Once at the Heigh Ho shop, you can navigate away to buy almost any book available from most retailers; you’re not limited to those I’ve curated.
Why buy a book at the Heigh Ho book shop? Not only does a portion of your payment support independent book stores, but a portion also supports Heigh Ho. Unlike other Substackers, I don’t charge a subscription fee or even have a link to “buy me coffee.” So purchasing via Heigh Ho gives you a means to help this newsletter thrive as you add to your personal library.
Between Bookshop and Amazon, it’s not apples and oranges so much as a single heirloom apple tree versus the world’s largest commercial citrus grove. — Kate Knibbs in Wired
You can always find your way to the shop using the top menu of Heigh Ho’s recently refreshed home page at heigho.substack.com.
3. Win a $15 Heigh Ho Bookshop Gift Card
To celebrate the bookshop, Heigh Ho is giving you a potential opportunity to save some hard-earned greenbacks. On June 16, 2023, subscribers will have a chance to win one of three randomly drawn $15 bookshop.org gift cards.
If you’re currently a subscriber, you’re already entered. Winners need to be 1) US residents 2) 18 years or older 3) subscribed on June 16, 2023 with a verifiable email address.
4. More Free Stuff
Ever see an intriguing New York Times article shared on social media, but when you click on the link you’re blocked by the paywall? Not here!
Starting now, I gift at least one work-related NYT article in each issue of Heigh Ho. This means you’ll be able to access the article (free) for about 14 days after I share it. This is my way of thanking you for being a subscriber, while sharing extra content relevant to work, workplaces, and worker wellbeing.
Test it out (from NYT, May 3, 2023):
Others in the cue:
What Is the Ideal Retirement Age for Your Health?
How a Tech Star Lost His Way
Work Is Intrinsically Good. Or Maybe It’s Not?
Needing Younger Workers, Federal Officials Relax Rules on Past Drug Use
Study Shows the Staggering Cost of Menopause for Women in the Work Force
5. Speaking of Stories…
Check out 3 Dimensions of Story, the latest post I wrote for my client HES (Health Enhancement Systems). There’s more to story than just the telling.

Heigh Ho has more exciting stuff in the works!
This post is an outlier, but I still encourage you to share it with one person who’s cares about work, wellbeing, books, gift cards, or paywall workarounds. 😀 They’ll thank you.
See you next week.
— Bob