It’s interesting. And also, I wonder about the cultural aspects of various geographies. Where I am from (India), everybody’s business is everybody’s business, if you know what I mean. In turn, every TDH asks about the smile on the face or lack thereof, sometimes out of concern, sometimes for plain old gossip.

And, “come on smile” is simply good old advice. And us humans love doling out advice (mostly unsolicited) to each other, don’t we?

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I appreciate your input, Kavitha. It's helpful to get an international perspective.

Your comment got me to thinking. If I had it to do again, I'd probably skip the entire first part of this post (my personal anecdotes). In fact, I have cut a couple of paragraphs out. Better for me to stick to the science.

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This article made me... smile.

As with every Bob Merberg post, I learned something new -- and that always makes me feel good.

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Thanks, Dean. Your comment (which made me smile) makes me feel like I'm meeting my 2 objectives: Entertaining and info-sharing.

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