Heigh Ho — Work and Working Life
Heigh Ho podcast
Hardscrabble Jobs: Character Builders or Mental Health Risk Factors?

Hardscrabble Jobs: Character Builders or Mental Health Risk Factors?

Early job experiences shape our current working lives

A Surprise Appearance

A mistreated newsboy becomes a titan of industry. This episode reveals a unique connection between Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and working life, especially as it relates to the jobs we hold in our youth.

What seems like character-building experience to the beholder may be more like trauma to those in the path of that beholder’s unkindness.

Heigh Ho — Work and Working Life
Heigh Ho podcast
Gritty, factual storytelling that makes sense of work and working life — in partnership with the Heigh Ho newsletter (https://heighho.substack.com)
Leave a message about your work (at https://www.speakpipe.com/Bob_Merbergs_Heigh_Ho_podcast) and your message may make it into a future episode (or a transcription may make it into the newsletter).