Heigh Ho — Work and Working Life
Heigh Ho podcast
Snow White-washing Child Labor, Then and Now

Snow White-washing Child Labor, Then and Now

Is Snow White’s truth stranger than fiction? As 5 million kids toil in mines globally and battle lines are drawn for and against US child labor, now’s the time to take stock.

Today’s Episode features another installment in our series looking at work through the lens of Disney’s 1937 animated classic, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs has its share of chilling moments, though Disney sanitizes the darkest details of its source material — the 19th century Grimm Brothers’ version.

Perpetuating white lies, so to speak, may be inherent to a tale’s retelling: Even the earliest versions of Snow White, arguably based on a true story, apparently glossed over a human tragedy — child labor — that plagues us to this day.

(Read the text version of this episode, complete with links.)

Heigh Ho — Work and Working Life
Heigh Ho podcast
Gritty, factual storytelling that makes sense of work and working life — in partnership with the Heigh Ho newsletter (https://heighho.substack.com)
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