Miss Jane Marple might have something to say about the value of elderly women, but I would humbly like to add #8 - band together as employers for universal health coverage and start gathering the necessary momentum to make it happen. The latest from KFF states that small businesses can no longer find or offer affordable insurance plans nor can their employees afford them.

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I must confess, Barbara, that I had to Google Miss Jane Marple. So... today I learned something new. Thank you!

And, yes, I agree that we need universal health coverage in the US. I'm not sure what you have in mind in terms of employers banding together, but what we're doing now certainly is not working in terms of affordability, access, or quality. And a lot of the employers I talk to — most of the small employers and many of the large — agree.

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Like the medical profession, there must be hundreds of organizations from similar industries who could demand relief and release from providing health insurance. At one time it was a tax windfall but no longer. The UAW is looking to bring the union to more than the auto industry. A big barrier, I believe, other than inertia and fear of the government running healthcare like they're running (or is it ruining?) the country is the beloved Chamber of Commerce and The Business Roundtable. Like the AMA, time to step aside. As Senator Paul Wellstone said: We all do better, when we all do better.

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