Heigh Ho — Work and Working Life
Heigh Ho podcast
The 7 Dwarfs: Engaged Team Players or Marginalized "Others"?

The 7 Dwarfs: Engaged Team Players or Marginalized "Others"?

What looks like a degrading portrayal of outcasts has also been framed as an homage to American labor

Labor utopia or dystopia?

What looks like a degrading portrayal of outcasts has also been framed as an homage to the American worker. In Disney’s Snow White classic, the depiction of the seven dwarfs informs modern perspectives on labor in the context of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Read the original article (with links to source material) here.

Heigh Ho — Work and Working Life
Heigh Ho podcast
Gritty, factual storytelling that makes sense of work and working life — in partnership with the Heigh Ho newsletter (https://heighho.substack.com)
Leave a message about your work (at https://www.speakpipe.com/Bob_Merbergs_Heigh_Ho_podcast) and your message may make it into a future episode (or a transcription may make it into the newsletter).